Will the Reddit protest kill Google?

I saw an interesting story that Google is basically getting a whole lot worse thanks to the Reddit protest.

Many people (including me) used to add "reddit" to 60%+ of their search queries.

Now these queries lead to the dreaded "private community" popup.

What's been your experience on this?

posted to
on June 14, 2023
  1. 1

    This is an interesting post. Google will certainly decline thanks to this over the short run. They might even influence Reddit to roll back their API decision if things continue this way.

  2. 1

    Let me start first: I think this will accelerate the trend to people using generative AI search engines (like Bing/ChatGPT). I also saw a story of many subreddits planning to go private indefinitely, making this a long-term issue for Google.

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