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Working on a Web3 Privacy First Disqus Alternative

D is a culmination of my efforts to have a flexible, opensource and privacy first alternative to disqus.

Early at the start of this year, while building another idea, I needed a comment section to improve SEO, but the leading comment system - Disqus was off the table, because although it was free, it thrived off user's data.

Also disqus isn't "headless", it's difficult to customize. Disqus also doesn't support Server side rendering, its code has to be loaded client side, which is degrading for SEO and UX.

Disqus also manages all your data, as such Disqus can decide to remove/censor your audience for any reason whatsoever.

Introducing "D" (still deciding the name). D is a decentralised open-source comment system hosted on the internet computer blockchain.

It's headless, and extremely flexible (You can even build Reddit/Discord style discussions).

Most importantly it's going to be free with a usage based pricing system.

I'm expecting to have an alpha launch in two weeks

Would appreciate feedback.

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