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Would love some feedback from Founders

Hello everyone,

I’m considering starting a new curated daily newsletter, FounderFeed, that shares the most insightful posts, blogs, podcasts, and videos tailored to help founders grow their companies.

The goal is to help founders focus, eliminate distractions, save time, and improve their insight-to-time ratio. I aim to cover topics such as Product, Growth, Marketing, Hiring, Culture, Fundraising, Tech, Trends, etc., ultimately providing value to founders.

I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this idea if you are a founder.
Would this be something you would find valuable and use in your daily routine? Thank you in advance for your input!”

More details & a short survey form here (~4 mins) https://www.notion.so/ronakkadhi/Founder-Feed-10dc9a928e944195af1bed4dcadb1748

posted to
on July 28, 2023
  1. 2

    Hi @Ronakkadhi, this is a cool and valid idea. You'll just need to stand out with the marketing. I know a guy on Twitter who does this with just jokes that happen on Tech Twitter (x) @ntbts_news. I believe it will provide value, as my co-founder and I do with podcasts. We curate the best tech podcasts and share them every week "whatspodcasting".

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