Would you buy a Slack app template?

I've launched 2 Slack apps (uppit.io, allybot.io) and am thinking about launching a few more. There are some must-do things that I've learnt, including:

  • Common gotchas for the Slack review process
  • What scopes to ask for (yes, you should probably capture emails!)
  • Basic code management/structure
  • Various security things
  • How to manage oauth, onboarding and the "App Home" tab

I feel like I'm getting to the point where I have a pretty refined node.js boilerplate that can rapidly accelerate the launch of a Slack app - for example, I built allybot.io in a few days, and had it accepted instantly on the Slack app directory.

I'm wondering - if you were building a Slack app today, would you find value in a proven, robust Slack app template? I'd love to learn about your process!

posted to
on October 8, 2020
  1. 1

    Hey Tom! Im thinking of building a Slack app, but am quite amateurish. I was wondering if you could point me to some good starting resources? Also, do you think I could build the MVP using no-code platforms like Bubble and still make it worthwhile for companies to pay for it?

  2. 1

    Yes, very interesting. When you have a list of what will be included, mockups, and some key outcomes that users can achieve with it, please share.

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