Would you like a free critique to help you improve your homepage?

I'm starting my own indie journey and would love to offer this amazing community some free sessions - you'll get actionable tips to improve your website's homepage. If you're interested, please drop me an email!

EDIT: This is closed for now as so many people have signed up, if I haven't responded to you already, thank you so much for the interest and keep an eye out for the next set of sessions coming up soon!

  1. 1

    Hello everyone, thank you so much for the interest! It's great to know that this is a service that could be helpful - as it's been a bit more popular than I was expecting, I'm going to close the free offer for now just while I work through those who have already responded. I'll get to everyone who interacted before this reply, but if you reply afterwards please don't hesitate to reach out with an email and I'll make a note of your details to get in touch when I have some space again!
    Absolutely amazing uptake, thank you all :)

  2. 1

    Hi Meri! Thank you and on behalf of the IH community, many thanks!!

    Could you take a look at Pagereview.io?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts.


    1. 1

      Also, you could drop your feedback directly on Pagereview. From the widget, click the '+' icon & simply click on an any element to leave the comment. Looking forward to your review.

      1. 1

        Hi Jon!
        I'm offering this service in exchange for a recorded video call at the end of it so there's a short form to fill in - more than happy to send my feedback through the tool also to give you some useful feedback - if you're still keen, pop me an email and I'll get the form over to you!

  3. 1

    Hello Meri, yes, I'd like to. My homepage is https://bootrails.com

    Thanks for you feedback, that's ok if you don't have the time, your offer is very requested ! warm regards, David.

    1. 1

      Hi David! More than happy to help, could you drop me an email at [email protected] and I'll get back to you tomorrow?

  4. 1

    Thank you for the offer, I've sent you an email for https://bitesizedlegal.com/

  5. 1

    Hi Meri, I would love it if you could have a look at a website I'm currently working on foxyapps.co
    I also sent you an email. Cheers!

  6. 1

    Hey Meri - would be great to get your feedback. Here's the website I'm working on: http://p42.ai/ Thanks, Lars

    1. 1

      Hi Lars! There's a short form I'd love your answers on for context, could you drop me an email and I'll get it over to you?

      1. 1

        Sure, I've sent you an email.

  7. 1

    I would love it actually.

    I am working on http://wickedtemplates.com/ together with @gperales.

    It would be interesting to know what you think. I have been redesigning the site maybe 5 times, with completely different designs.

    Thank you so much.


    1. 1

      Maybe we should post the different options :-)

      1. 1

        Guys this sounds so interesting and I'd love to chat with you both - Mike I've sent you an email using your address listed on your IH profile :)

  8. 1

    We are building a platform for converting twitter mentions, google reviews, Trust Pilot Reviews, Facebook recommendations and client testimonials into social proof that can be embedded using a line of code anywhere.
    Platform also provide ability to manage reply to the reviews, mentions through email inbox type feeds.

    Domain URL: https://www.clapup.me
    It will be great if you could have a look and give a valuable feedback.

    1. 1

      This sounds awesome, sent you an email!

      1. 1

        Thanks, I didn't received your email, In-fact I tried to send you email but something was going wrong. So commented here.

      2. 1

        Thanks for your kind words. We are planning to launch by august.

  9. 1

    Thank you for taking the time in doing this, would you mind checking out https://newsletterss.com ?

    1. 1

      Hi there! Thanks so much for reaching out, I'd love to help - there's a short form to kick the process off by giving me some context, could you send me an email and I can pop it over to you?

  10. 1

    Hi @Meri,

    I’m actually working on my new personal website at the moment. Is it ok if I send it over here in the next day or so?

  11. 1

    I would love some actionable tips to improve my homepage!

    I'm always looking for ways to make it better: https://www.incognitoforslack.com/

  12. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

        1. 1

          The public one you have listed on your IH profile - if you'd prefer another just let me know!

          1. 1

            This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

            1. 1

              Sure thing, all done :) please let me know if you don't get it?

  13. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  14. 3

    This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

    1. 1

      Hi there Andrew!
      Nice to meet you ;) I'm a brand specialist based in Bristol in the UK, I want to help teams with advice they can actually take off and run with instead of paying through the nose for stuff they can't use!
      I'm currently getting feedback on a few of my services to make sure they're as useful as possible for startups and small teams who are the people who I believe could use this help. What better way than to offer my services for free to the IH community!
      All I ask in return is that I am able to record the session where we chat through the critique, and use clips in promotional material for my website (nothing will be used without double checking everyone's happy with it though!) I'd get some great tangible evidence of the service I provide, and people working with me get some free actionable advice to improve the first impression on their website!
      I can also help with business Naming, finding your purpose and general design as well as tips on leadership and management once you make those all important first hires.
      Please do reach out if you have any other questions, more than happy to respond!

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

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