Would you rather have $10k MRR or $100k in sales today?

And why? 😊

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    $100k take the money and run!

    It can be difficult to run a SaaS at a profit, especially if it’s less than $1M ARR. At $10k MRR that wouldn’t even pay for support and a dev. So you’d be forced to do all the maintenance yourself. You’d really have to work to maintain that $10k MRR.

    1. 1

      I'm glad a different perspective came in! 😊

  2. 2

    $10K MRR. Sell it for 30X/40X MRR

  3. 2

    $10K MRR > list it on microacquire for 5xARR > retire

  4. 1

    With $100k in sales you can create 100 new products or so, lol.

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    A $10K MRR if it's low risk and decently predictable.

    You never know when you're gonna hit the next $100k in sales. I would rather choose a $10K MRR SaaS over one that does $100K once in awhile simply because of the cashflow.

    Ease of selling a SaaS that does 10k MRR is another reason.

  6. 1

    I don’t have a preference for either option, as they both have their pros and cons:

    1. $10k MRR is more sustainable and predictable, but it might take longer to grow and scale.
    2. $100k in sales today is more impressive and exciting, but it might be a one-time event and not reflect the long-term value of the product or service.
  7. 1

    $10k MRR

    Hold the company until sales start to decline, then sell it off for the 100k :)

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