Write LinkedIn Posts that Generate lots of Inbounds

Write LinkedIn Posts that Generate lots of Inbounds

Just wanted to share some tips on how you can increase your visibility and establish your thought leadership.

Start posting - just do it!

Don't be afraid to share your insights and experiences. People can learn a lot from your posts, and it's a great way to contribute to the community.

Write about your expertise

Everyone is an expert in something. Share your knowledge and people will appreciate it.

Try these formats:

  • Personal Story: Share your personal experiences and what you learned from them.
  • Case Study: Discuss a real-life example and dissect it.
  • Three Mistakes: Talk about the common mistakes in your area and how to avoid them.
  • Five Lessons: Share the top five lessons you learned in your field.
  • How-to: Provide a step-by-step guide on how to do something.

Don't forget the CTA

Always end your posts with a Call To Action. This could be a question to engage your readers or an invitation for them to check out your other work.

For those looking to build thought leadership faster, you might want to check out StoryMage.ai. They generate highly converting LinkedIn posts that reflect your voice and experience. Their clients have reported a 5–6x increase in impressions and more inbound interactions.

Hope these tips help. Happy posting!

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