Writing as one of my projects

I aspire to generate some revenue from writing. I'm exploring it and the process is great!

I would love if you could give some feedback. I hate socials and I hope to get feedback in communities like this one. Thanks in advance!

I'll be sharing my journey from time to time

submitted this link to
on May 27, 2023
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    Subscribed! No pledge yet but looking forward to giving it a try.

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      Thank you so much!

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    Writing is also one of my projects but personally I've seen more success writing for others than the stuff I post.

    PS: you shouldn't hate socials. Done in a proper way, they're an invaluable resource.

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      Yes, I know. I would like to find a way to Improve my relationship with socials. But it is hard for me to dedicate time to it. Thanks for the advice!

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        Don't want to sound like I'm pitching something (cuz I'm not) but if you want, I can share what has been working for me over the past 6 months.

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          Yes please, share it!

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            I realize my comment was posted half a month ago. 😅
            But if it helps, here it is in a nutshell.

            I started writing a technical blog and over time and many posts under my belt I diversified to other topics and in other platforms.
            And since writing became my thing, the most natural social to go into was Twitter.

            There's a lot of conflicting info about that platform. I know, I've been figuring out what works and what doesn't over the last 8 months.

            But in your case, the most relevant part is to find people who are doing what you want to be doing. And also find people on a similar level to yours.

            Make a list for both of those groups and interact with them frequently (almost daily). In the beginning it might look like a ghost town but if you start doing it consistently people will notice.

            The most leverage activity is not only to engage with other people's content but to DM them and strike up a normal conversation with no agenda, just being curious about them.

            Once you have some time doing this, people will ask about what you're working on and that's where you can talk about your writing as a project. You should also be using your posts (i.e. tweets) to drive awareness to it.

            It's better to build those connections in just One social platform first before moving into others. But you can also use your writing as a way for people to discover your profile and that becomes a reinforcing loop that can get people at least intrigued in what you're writing about.

            Don't want to make this any longer but that's pretty much what I've done to drive people to my blogs and newsletter.

            Hope that helps. Let me know if you have more questions about this.

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              Wow! Thanks a lot for your detailed response. I really appreciate it. Keep up the good work!

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                Hope it was helpful. Good luck!

  3. 2

    Subscribed with the hope that I'll derive some value. Currently in the process of cleaning out my inbox and being selective about what comes in. I can consider the paid subscription if after a few editions I deem the content to be worth it. I wish you all the best.

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      Great! Thank you. Right now all the articles are free but I'll be thinking about how to provide a new and better experience for paid subscribers.

  4. 2

    Congrats on shipping! How exactly do you plan to make money through writing?

    Let me know if you know any specific feedback. Happy to help!

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      Thanks! I'm in the process of writing my first book. I plan to offer a paid subscription but I haven't figured out what to offer yet. I'll be posting my journey here!

  5. 2

    From my own experience I can tell that this kind of writing is useful in and of itself, for your personal development, and I admire the initiative, and wish you the best of luck. 👍

    That said, I would expect someone to want to pay for my writing only after some hundred articles that they’ve read and liked.

    I’m not a pro writer or blogger, I haven’t done anything like this before, so take this remark with a pinch of salt. 🙂

    1. 1

      Do you have a newsletter too? If so, please drop a link. I want to read more content from people in this community. Thanks!

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